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The commemorative badge designed by Lingxiu for leishenshan hospital was praised by people's daily and CCTV
Novel coronavirus pneumonia was commissioned by the Wuhan Raytheon hill hospital to design a medal for the Wuhan Raytheon Hill Hospital in recognition of the front-line medical staff.
In this invisible battlefield, the front-line medical staff retrograde to build a defense line of life with flesh and blood. To be able to contribute to the front-line medical staff, so that the small partner of the show is full of great sense of mission. After receiving the task, the leader designer quickly brainstorming. From receiving the Commission, to the concept sketch, and then to the plane draft, three-dimensional rendering, only two days.
After communication and modification with Raytheon Mountain hospital, the designer, with gratitude, modified a variety of schemes again and again in three days, and finally determined the design scheme after repeated communication.
The inscription on the commemorative medallion is: "mountains and rivers are foreign, the wind and moon are the same day; save the dead and heal the wounded, unite together, pay tribute to the rebels!" this may be what the people of the whole country want to say to this group of respectable and lovely rebels.
The medallion is made of a transparent glass crystal. The medallion in the middle of the crystal depicts the figure of the reverse Walker and the Yellow Crane Tower representing Wuhan. The original intention of the design is to pay homage to this group of rebels, let them remember their contributions in Wuhan leishenshan hospital, and finally feel a kind of honor for the victory of the anti epidemic. Only by doing this can we truly reflect our original intention of paying tribute to the rebels.
Finally, Lingxiu fulfilled the trust and handed over the satisfactory answer paper, which was confirmed by the president of Raytheon Mountain hospital!
After the design draft came out, in order to quickly find high-quality manufacturers to make commemorative medals, they also launched the strength of the circle of friends. Soon, we received many manufacturers to "sign up". Finally, the sample production is completed.
The commemorative medals issued to medical staff were designed by the brand consultant of Lingxiu (China) and have been donated in place.
Lingxiu believes that as a brand design company, it is a great honor to express our respect for the medical staff in Wuhan through design, and it is an unshirkable responsibility to contribute to the country and medical staff!
The commemorative badge designed by Lingxiu for leishenshan hospital was praised by people's daily and CCTV
Novel coronavirus pneumonia was commissioned by the Wuhan Raytheon hill hospital to design a medal for the Wuhan Raytheon Hill Hospital in recognition of the front-line medical staff.
In this invisible battlefield, the front-line medical staff retrograde to build a defense line of life with flesh and blood. To be able to contribute to the front-line medical staff, so that the small partner of the show is full of great sense of mission. After receiving the task, the leader designer quickly brainstorming. From receiving the Commission, to the concept sketch, and then to the plane draft, three-dimensional rendering, only two days.
After communication and modification with Raytheon Mountain hospital, the designer, with gratitude, modified a variety of schemes again and again in three days, and finally determined the design scheme after repeated communication.
The inscription on the commemorative medallion is: "mountains and rivers are foreign, the wind and moon are the same day; save the dead and heal the wounded, unite together, pay tribute to the rebels!" this may be what the people of the whole country want to say to this group of respectable and lovely rebels.
The medallion is made of a transparent glass crystal. The medallion in the middle of the crystal depicts the figure of the reverse Walker and the Yellow Crane Tower representing Wuhan. The original intention of the design is to pay homage to this group of rebels, let them remember their contributions in Wuhan leishenshan hospital, and finally feel a kind of honor for the victory of the anti epidemic. Only by doing this can we truly reflect our original intention of paying tribute to the rebels.
Finally, Lingxiu fulfilled the trust and handed over the satisfactory answer paper, which was confirmed by the president of Raytheon Mountain hospital!
After the design draft came out, in order to quickly find high-quality manufacturers to make commemorative medals, they also launched the strength of the circle of friends. Soon, we received many manufacturers to "sign up". Finally, the sample production is completed.
The commemorative medals issued to medical staff were designed by the brand consultant of Lingxiu (China) and have been donated in place.
Lingxiu believes that as a brand design company, it is a great honor to express our respect for the medical staff in Wuhan through design, and it is an unshirkable responsibility to contribute to the country and medical staff!