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英国驻广州总领事馆科技领事Peter Harrington到访
1月11日下午,英国驻广州总领事馆科技领事、科学与创新中国区副主管Mr. Peter Harrington(郝荣腾先生)代表英国驻广州总领事馆到访领秀(广州)品牌设计有限公司。 领秀设计执行创作总监袁总、设计总监桂总与Mr. Peter Harrington领事进行了友好会谈。 Mr. Peter Harrington领事此行参观了领秀设计的办公环境,“低碳、环保、国际化”,并了解了领秀的设计实力与现有的国际合作项目,对领秀设计的亚运地铁站形象创意设计给予了很高的评价。会谈期间,双方就设计、创新、新型材料的应用等方面展开了深入的探讨,并就地铁形象设计领域展开互动和交流。 Mr. Peter Harrington领事表示今后将努力促进领秀设计与英国设计协会、著名设计机构的交流与合作,对领秀的未来充满了期待。
On the afternoon of January 11, Mr. Peter Harrington, consul of science and technology, deputy director of science and innovation China, visited Lingxiu (Guangzhou) brand design Co., Ltd. on behalf of the British Consulate General in Guangzhou. Mr. Yuan, Executive Creative Director of leader show design, and Mr. GUI, design director, had a friendly talk with Consul Mr. Peter Harrington. During his visit, consul Mr. Peter Harrington visited the office environment of "low carbon, environmental protection and internationalization" designed by the leader show, and learned about the design strength and existing international cooperation projects of the leader show, and gave a high evaluation on the creative image design of the subway station of the Asian games designed by the leader. During the talks, the two sides conducted in-depth discussions on design, innovation and application of new materials, and carried out interaction and exchange on the field of Metro image design. Consul Mr. Peter Harrington said that he would make efforts to promote the exchange and cooperation between leader design, British Design Association and famous design institutions in the future. He is full of expectation for the future of leader show.
英国驻广州总领事馆科技领事Peter Harrington到访
1月11日下午,英国驻广州总领事馆科技领事、科学与创新中国区副主管Mr. Peter Harrington(郝荣腾先生)代表英国驻广州总领事馆到访领秀(广州)品牌设计有限公司。 领秀设计执行创作总监袁总、设计总监桂总与Mr. Peter Harrington领事进行了友好会谈。 Mr. Peter Harrington领事此行参观了领秀设计的办公环境,“低碳、环保、国际化”,并了解了领秀的设计实力与现有的国际合作项目,对领秀设计的亚运地铁站形象创意设计给予了很高的评价。会谈期间,双方就设计、创新、新型材料的应用等方面展开了深入的探讨,并就地铁形象设计领域展开互动和交流。 Mr. Peter Harrington领事表示今后将努力促进领秀设计与英国设计协会、著名设计机构的交流与合作,对领秀的未来充满了期待。
On the afternoon of January 11, Mr. Peter Harrington, consul of science and technology, deputy director of science and innovation China, visited Lingxiu (Guangzhou) brand design Co., Ltd. on behalf of the British Consulate General in Guangzhou. Mr. Yuan, Executive Creative Director of leader show design, and Mr. GUI, design director, had a friendly talk with Consul Mr. Peter Harrington. During his visit, consul Mr. Peter Harrington visited the office environment of "low carbon, environmental protection and internationalization" designed by the leader show, and learned about the design strength and existing international cooperation projects of the leader show, and gave a high evaluation on the creative image design of the subway station of the Asian games designed by the leader. During the talks, the two sides conducted in-depth discussions on design, innovation and application of new materials, and carried out interaction and exchange on the field of Metro image design. Consul Mr. Peter Harrington said that he would make efforts to promote the exchange and cooperation between leader design, British Design Association and famous design institutions in the future. He is full of expectation for the future of leader show.