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会议现场,由伦敦顶尖平面设计机构North总监肖恩·帕金斯(Sean Perkins)与“世界最佳设计师”马克·波特(Mark Porter)发表精彩演讲,解读英国设计力量,感受英国的设计风潮。
Leader design invited to attend UK creative design exchange and sharing meeting
The British creative design exchange and sharing meeting, hosted by the cultural and Educational Department of the British Consulate General and the Guangdong Provincial Museum, was held in Guangzhou.
At the meeting, Sean Perkins, director of North, the top graphic design institution in London, and mark Porter, the "world's best designer", delivered wonderful speeches to interpret the design power of the UK and experience the design trend in the UK.
会议现场,由伦敦顶尖平面设计机构North总监肖恩·帕金斯(Sean Perkins)与“世界最佳设计师”马克·波特(Mark Porter)发表精彩演讲,解读英国设计力量,感受英国的设计风潮。
Leader design invited to attend UK creative design exchange and sharing meeting
The British creative design exchange and sharing meeting, hosted by the cultural and Educational Department of the British Consulate General and the Guangdong Provincial Museum, was held in Guangzhou.
At the meeting, Sean Perkins, director of North, the top graphic design institution in London, and mark Porter, the "world's best designer", delivered wonderful speeches to interpret the design power of the UK and experience the design trend in the UK.