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May 21 to 25,Melbourne(墨尔本),Australia,2012 AGI国际设计周盛装上演。来自全球各地知名设计师齐聚一堂,分享设计心得体会,共话国际设计潮流。此次活动由Ken Cato(肯·凯图)先生主持。
Mr. Yuan Qi, a leading designer, attended the grand meeting of agideas 2012 international design week in Melbourne
The International Graphic Design Alliance (AGI), founded in 1951, is the palace level organization in the international graphic design field, leading the trend of modern graphic design and enjoying the highest international reputation. agideas international design week, organized and organized by the design foundation, is held in Melbourne, Australia every year. It is one of the most creative, largest and most famous activities in the world.
May 21 to 25,Melbourne(墨尔本),Australia,2012 AGI国际设计周盛装上演。来自全球各地知名设计师齐聚一堂,分享设计心得体会,共话国际设计潮流。此次活动由Ken Cato(肯·凯图)先生主持。
Mr. Yuan Qi, a leading designer, attended the grand meeting of agideas 2012 international design week in Melbourne
The International Graphic Design Alliance (AGI), founded in 1951, is the palace level organization in the international graphic design field, leading the trend of modern graphic design and enjoying the highest international reputation. agideas international design week, organized and organized by the design foundation, is held in Melbourne, Australia every year. It is one of the most creative, largest and most famous activities in the world.